
Thanks to everyone who came out to attend The Top Shelf Flea Market yesterday and especially those who visited my booth, shopped and spent some time chatting with me about our common love for vintage fashions & style. This marked the third bi~annual Top Shelf Flea Market venue and I think it's safe to say it's on it's way to becoming another fine Boston tradition... Read more →

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It was the road trip I looked forward to the most every year~~my grandmother would pile we three girls into the back of her 1970s Cadillac (which felt more like... Read more →

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I've always had a fascination with vintage vanities~~ever since my grandmother auctioned away some amazing Art Deco mahogany furniture at her country farm estate auction, I have carried within the belated realization that every child should/must be taught about antiques and heritage, about the importance of family heirlooms and preserving history, about how to determine whether this should be chosen over that, about how to know what one should inherently know~~from those who have come and gone before Read more →

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