
"In language we distinguish between someone who speaks a sentence well--clearly, and with confidence and dignity--and someone who speaks it badly. In dress too, manner is as important as matter, and in judging the meaning of any garment..." Read more →

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(quote borrowed from "The Berg Companion to Fashion" by Valerie Steele) This 1970s Halston 3-piece khaki wool suit is on it's way to The Shoe. Everyone knows menswear inspired suits... Read more →

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Men in white suits and Panama hats, women with perfectly set bobs, billboards for Hennessy cognac, palm trees and camels: Egypt in the first half of the 20th century had an allure that felt European but was distinctly exotic Read more →

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"Be it a jewel or toy, not the prize gives the joy, but the striving to win the prize." ~ Owen Meredith (Edward Robert Bulwer-Lytton) While true in many instances of life, this may be one exception to Sir Bulwer-Lytton's poetic quote. A few weeks ago I learned of a Give~Away via Lily Lemontree. The host was Sarah of My Little Boudoir, and she was generous enough to host a give~away to win a signed copy of this fabulous book: Summer at Tiffany by Marjorie Hart. Having a rare spare minute or two, I entered the give~away and spent a few hours day dreaming (while ironing, that is) about how great it would be if I actually won . . . just the cover photograph had sent me reeling into old~world New York . . . Half awake, waiting for the coffee to finish perking just after 6:00 o'clock this morning, I opened my "mail" and found this: Read more →

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