Midnight for Two ~ The Three Suns ~ 1957
Accordion Moods ~ Jean Priveaux ~ 1965?

Easy Listening ~ The Three Suns ~ 1956

The Three Suns  Easy Listening album cover (2)

"Take the excitement of a couple of youngsters playing tag, teenagers on a date, Mother & Dad home for a quiet evening--blend them well--tickle the fancy of each--and we have "Easy Listening".  The sounds have been modified to deliver the most in pleasure for you.  It may seem odd, but this music is part of us, the way we feel sometimes and the way we would like to feel at other times.  So relax and enjoy it..."  Noel R. Kramer ~ Excerpt from back cover

The Three Suns  Easy Listening album cover

Easy Listening
The Three Suns with Orchestra

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